Welcome to /c/yuri!

I’ve been a moderator of the yuri community on Reddit for a while and I would like to start a similar community on Burggit.

Most of the rules are adapted from the old community, but they may change over time to better fit the environment of Burggit.

  • @MomoNeedsCorrection
    81 year ago

    Perhaps it would make sense to remove or heavily change the rules about “illegal” methods of viewing content si ce reddit admins aren’t here to throw around random bans for imaginary lines being crossed?

    There’s a whole lot of issues with the small handful of companies that do official licensing in the US that make it pretty reasonable to avoid supporting them, and beyond that, a whole lot of content, especially doujins, just don’t have any method of legally obtaining them outside of buying physical copies from Japanese websites through a proxy. Let alone English translations for things.

    Different topic, i think something you configured with language is too strict, I had to manually select English for this to go through, but nowhere else has required it

    • @BurgerA
      61 year ago

      This. You don’t have to worry about anyone coming in to ban you for linking to hentai sites/doujin sites. We don’t give a shit about DMCA notices here.

      • @Collin_C2OPM
        21 year ago

        Thank you for the clarification.

    • @Collin_C2OPM
      41 year ago

      Thank you for the tips.

      I have removed the rule and adjusted the language settings.

    • @Collin_C2OPM
      51 year ago

      It’s not against the server rules, unlike on Reddit. As long as it’s posted in moderation, I don’t see anything preventing it. This community is not intended to be focused on any specific niche. The goal is to make it a general yuri community that can serve as an alternative to Reddit.