While i doubt it’ll get me banned anywhere, it does get me very weird looks if i bring it up in meat space, so I’ll bring it up here instead!

As a product of totally random processes selecting for absolutely nothing in particular humans are pretty cool, but from any kind of intelligent perspective we are a failure. Our teeth don’t fit, our backs don’t work right, we have organs with no other purpose than to kill us. God or evolution, which ever, has put in an absolutely minimum wage effort into our bodies and i think we should strive to do better, to be better. I understand being against current possibilities (I’m not getting magnets in my hands or the musk brain chip), but to be against transhumanism in general is completely insane.

  • @Marimfisher
    21 year ago

    I’m personally not a fan of any device that is used to influence or “enhance” the human mind. The human mind is the core of the person, and any edits to that core is an erasure, at least in part, of the individual. Mental deficiencies, quirks, and “imperfections” are major aspects of the individual, and to erase those is, in my opinion, a dangerous precedent. The only time I would even entertain the notion of doing something of that sort would be for disabilities that are highly destructive to either the individual or others, and the individual has to ask for the change first, any system that encourages or coerces such a procedure should be seen for the eugenicist hell it is, no matter how “good” its intentions are.

    Physical enhancements, if they were to reach the point of being Sci-Fi magic seem fine imo. The question of how much of our selves is because of the biology of our bodies (hormone regulation and other biological functions) would be the only thing that would give me pause on such procedures. As my body withers and dies, the idea of being revitalized, or hell, even being put in a jar Krang style doesn’t feel too terrifying to me, so long as my mind is still there. I wouldn’t personally partake in unnecessary enhancements without a need to continue persisting, although the idea of enhanced durability/survivability would likely be something I’d make an exception to, especially as time goes on.

    For the transhumanistic concept of uploading your mind to the internet or otherwise cloning yourself, I find it to be impossible to transfer the true self into such a thing, and whatever being that comes of it is just a new being that believes it is me, and so I completely reject those, for partaking in them is to partake in my own suicide.