I kind of want to get the communities feeling on leaving registrations open. Do you want them to stay open, or do you think it was better when they were approval only?

Marking this post as NSFW, so only logged-in accounts can see it.

  • @Nazrin
    101 year ago

    I think it makes sign up instructions easier if you want to advertise. Nothing kills the mood for some people like explaining why you want to go on the loli friendly instance.

  • @mabtheseer
    81 year ago

    I see no issue with open registration. I haven’t seen any bad folks around in the last few days, so I’m assuming either we haven’t attracted bad folks or the mods have taken care of any issues.

  • Cunnysseur
    1 year ago

    The instance feels a lot more active and I noticed the user count went from ~900 at the start of open to 1.8k now. I like having open registration over approval as long as it’s not straining the servers or something.

    • RA2lover
      1 year ago

      We’ve had around 400 new posts and 800 new comments since (~25% increase in total). Most of the activity seems to have been due to around a dozen very active users seeding new communities, though.

  • RA2lover
    51 year ago

    Haven’t seen a significant jump in user activity during that period despite the increase in accounts (from ~1.33 to ~1.8k over the open registration period), but can’t comment further without additional data points that wouldn’t be a good idea to make public (or even collect in some cases).

    The number of communities has increased noticeably (98?->116) and there’s been a slight increase in weekly active users (125->143) which doesn’t quite completely match the increase in account creations.

    I don’t know whether this is due to people who don’t share the values of the instance (enough to fail manual approval) signing up, then abandoning their accounts once they realize the consequences of those values, users signing up and actively using their accounts but not making posts/comments, some actor creating sleeper accounts to use for nefarious purposes at some point in the future, or something else.

    Overall this week has been positive but i can’t find enough evidence to argue it wouldn’t have been without open registrations, and i haven’t seen anything that warrants limiting registrations once again.

    • @mcuglys
      51 year ago

      As the content trends towards “mostly porn” I think you’re going to see the lurker ratio go up. Especially from people who worry that lolis might be legal trouble in their jurisdiction, or have simply been on reddit so much they assume whatever gets banned on reddit MUST be able to get them in trouble somehow (surprisingly common and disturbing opinion with regard to the younger generations views on free speech).

    • @alliestear
      31 year ago

      Maybe we’re just here for content

    • @OrcishOatmeal
      31 year ago

      I’ve been thinking about this, I believe one factor is the current app situation, I realised last night that the iOS apps I’m using to browse Lemmy can’t post at all!

  • @mcuglys
    51 year ago

    Saw a guy on reddit just the other day say signing up is too hard lol. I’m not sure what stopped him.

  • @SmolSlime
    31 year ago

    I didn’t even know you changed the registration. It still feels the same to me here. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.

  • @PinkBow
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • DisaOPMA
      61 year ago

      I think that approvals were very important once we were establishing the culture, but I think now that the culture is established things are running smoothly. The major issue with approvals is the lack of feedback as to whether you have been approved or not (since we don’t have an email server and don’t require email). So people just had to check back occasionally to log in and just cross their fingers to hope they were approved.

      We’re not against setting things to approval only again if we feel that open registrations start to cause problems. For now, though, it seems like things are running fairly smoothly, even with open registrations.

  • Spiffy Diffy
    21 year ago

    I haven’t noticed a difference yet. I guess that’s a good thing. 😛

    • Spiffy Diffy
      21 year ago

      Oh but now that I think about it, I coincidentally started coming here way more since about a week ago too, so I might not be the best judge.

  • rinkan 輪姦
    21 year ago

    The only bad thing I noticed didn’t have to do with open registration. It was a bot commenter from a federated instance.

    Is registration at least protected by CAPTCHA? Or is it completely open?

    • DisaOPMA
      51 year ago

      Is registration at least protected by CAPTCHA? Or is it completely open?

      We have Captcha enabled and set to medium difficulty. We initially set it to hard, but hard was, like, unreadable even for a human (at least for me, a visually impaired human) so we set it to medium instead.

  • HappyPanda
    11 year ago

    Well, I have seen many instances of raiding basically everywhere. My instinct is to be wary. But I must admit that said thing could probably still be done even with approval, so I’m not sure if approval was really doing its job anyway?

    • DisaOPMA
      41 year ago

      Have you seen raiding happening from users of our instance? If so, we’d definitely like to know more information about it.