Mine was probably Digimon World (PS1). I remember that my family shared a save, and boy howdy anytime my turn landed on the in-training digimon we’d be screwed, because I trained them so shoddily we’d get the sentient puke monster.

But my first game I played with any sort of competence was Herdy Gerdy (PS2), a cute puzzle game where you’d herd made-up animals with instruments and stuff. I 100%ed it as a kid, but it really does still hold up!

Tell me, Burggit people, what were your first games? 😺

  • DisaA
    31 year ago

    I think my first game was Super Smash Brothers for the Nintendo64, at least that’s the game I remember playing most often. We had a Nintendo64 for as long as I can remember.

    I played that one a lot with friends who would come over, as well as family members. Our N64 didn’t have a memory card, so we never unlocked any new characters other than the ones which came pre-unlocked. That was the case with the majority of our N64 games.

    • keenhome
      21 year ago

      What was your character of choice in Smash 64?

      I mained Samus way back when and absolutely destroyed my friends. We used to play stupid 20-stock games (yes they lasted forever 😂). I could almost take my friends in a 3v1.

      • DisaA
        21 year ago

        I think I mostly played Pikachu, though I also remember a few instances of playing Fox,

    • @GalvyGalvyCwanbewwyOPM
      11 year ago

      The Nintendo 64 was cool~ The N64 Smash was always my least favorite, but I loved the N64 for Donkey Kong 64!

      • DisaA
        21 year ago

        I also really enjoyed Donkey Kong 64, Though I didn’t play it much, mostly just watched my siblings and their friends play. I would mostly play the multiplayer.

  • keenhome
    21 year ago

    My brothers played lots of video games growing up and I have very faint memories of having an NES controller in my hand.

    The earliest game I actually recall playing is called Low G Man.

    I don’t think it was particularly good or anything.

    Fast forward a bit and boy did I spend a lot of time on some of the classic Blizzard titles on PC: Diablo, Warcraft 2, Starcraft. My friends had an N64 and I played the hell out of the original Super Smash Bros, too.

  • @moyi
    21 year ago

    new super mario bros for the ds. i am very young

  • @Rubbed9433
    1 year ago

    Rayman Rush on PS One. In hindsight, I think the Rayman series is so weird but it has its unique charms and it’s nostalgic for me, like how did one come up with Rayman’s character design?

    • @GalvyGalvyCwanbewwyOPM
      11 year ago

      I had to look it up, and wow - I think Rayman Rush might be the only demake I’ve seen! Neat!

      I remember really liking the artstyle and some of the songs from the first Rayman game, but it was like, way too hard for me so I watched my older sister play it instead.

      • @Rubbed9433
        21 year ago

        Today I learned what a demake is and the fact that Rayman Rush is a demake… If I haven’t played the game before, I would likely think that demakes are unsound creations, but if it weren’t for demakes, I probably wouldn’t have had the chance to play this game and enjoy the wonders of video games for the first time on a console.

  • @Nazrin
    21 year ago

    The legend of Zelda: oracle of ages for game boy color.

  • @goat
    21 year ago

    Donkey Kong 64.

    But games that I remember I knew what to do? Battlefield 2.

  • @megaman1970
    1 year ago

    Pong, on a dedicated device, and then Astrosmash on Intellivison. Unless you count Oregon Trail on the Apple 2?

  • @Marimfisher
    21 year ago

    Shit, I was so young when I played my first video games, trying to think what it could possibly have been. It was probably some random SNES game my dad had before my parents even thought of letting their kid play games (or having kids for that matter), or Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo (or some other Humongous Entertainment game). Putt-Putt is probably the earliest game I played with any sort of competency. The kingpin Super Mario World was probably the main game on the SNES.

  • @PublicLewdness
    21 year ago

    The first game I remember playing was Super Mario World for SNES.

  • Sandworm-7's hatbox
    21 year ago

    My first experience was when a friend let me play Pokemon Blue on their Gameboy. I wondered why it was called Blue when it was monochrome.

    Later on I’d ‘borrow’ my brother’s GBC to play Donkey Kong Country. That game really kicked my ass, but started me down the gaming path.

    I think the first game I finished by myself was the Finding Nemo GBA game lol.

  • @BurgerA
    21 year ago

    The first game that I consciously remember playing was the Zelder: A Link to the Past for the SNES. I must’ve been 5 or 6 at the time.

    • @GalvyGalvyCwanbewwyOPM
      21 year ago

      Oh, I played that just recently! The spritework in that game is lovely

      • @BurgerA
        21 year ago

        Yeah, it’s one of my all time favorite game on the SNES.

  • Kyou
    21 year ago

    I don’t remember clearly but it was probably something on my cousin’s SNES. He borrowed me and I vaguely remember it having street Fighter and The Mask.