I personally quite like the vibe that the Blue Archive subreddit has. The comments under every fanarts consists of combinations of horny, funny and wholesome factor. I imagine by the nature of them being on reddit, completely NSFW fanarts and stuff is completely banned. Should straight up porn be allowed here or those should go to the lewd loli community on burggit?

I can’t decide so everything goes for now as long as it doesn’t break burggit’s rules. Maybe I’ll ask this again when this community grows further if that ever happens.

I am not a guide maker and it seems like most of the helpful stuff is still either on reddit or discord but I’ll try my best to help if I can (I’m only one month in at level 57 myself lol).

  • @kaniman
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Kusa MowerOPM
      1 year ago

      I propose the community to give more focus on the news, gameplay, guide, strategy, and discussion. While I do love cunny art😭, the subreditt, most of the time is filled with fanarts, and it makes everything else kinda pushed down. Once again, the fanarts aren’t the problem. It’s the quantity of it that overshadows everything else.

      Yeah I agree with this. But I guess it’s the nature of the community surrounding the game so far. Guides are usually a one time thing since we really can’t do much with the game. News are rare.

      I am not against those stuff. Go ahead and post them and maybe in the meantime we’ll figure out the best way to do this. I don’t know what to do with the sheer amount of fanart posts if we ever grow big (lol). For now though, we’re most likely fine.

      As for nsfw art, It would be better to make another community for it. Because the nsfw arts will definitely overweight the sfw arts.

      I’m thinking along the lines of sexual acts to belong in somewhere like c/cunny or similar whereas stuff like revealing clothes (swimsuit, alternate outfits, etc.). However, I need more input on this and maybe a vote sometimes in the future.

  • @Rosyuo
    41 year ago

    I’m of the opinion there should be a split of SFW and NSFW/porn stuff (maybe bluearchiveNSFW?).
    Blue Archive has an abundance of both, but I think it’ll be hard to highlight the gems of either, if mixed

    I also suggest there should be a sticked event/raid/JFD sticky for Q&A, if we even have that many BA players. And when Vol F releases in about a month, maybe a lore thread.
    PVP only changes once or twice a year, but meta can shift based on units and the bracket you’re in

  • Nobu
    41 year ago

    To bad its blocked in some regions (like Japan, some parts of EU, vietnam, etc).

    • Kusa MowerOPM
      21 year ago

      Wdym by Japan? Japan has their own version which is ahead of global by 6 months. But yeah, not available in those other regions you listed. China coming soon.

      • Nobu
        1 year ago

        Yeah exactly what I meant (Since talking about Global release). Sorry i should have clarrified.

  • @anarch3
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Kusa MowerOPM
      11 year ago

      By “tasteful lewds”, “cute porn” and “nothing too hardcore”, do you mean stuff like just nudes/swimsuits/other suggestive art? No inherent sexual acts like penetration and the like?

      I wasn’t there when r/lolicons was a thing so I’m trying to understand your point of view.

  • @Rubbed9433
    31 year ago

    Nice to see a Blue Archive community here. I don’t mind having “straight up porn” contents here but I’d also like to see discussions about the game, whether it’s about the story, characters, gameplay, or fan contents.

  • @BurgerA
    31 year ago

    Can always use lewd. Since it’s a general purpose porn place.

    • Kusa MowerOPM
      1 year ago

      Point taken. By the way, how does media uploads work here? Direct image upload is on burggit’s servers? Is there a file size limit? Can we upload videos? I’m thinking of banning imgur links because they’re no longer NSFW friendly and them removing stuff if they’re uploaded anonymously now. Image/video from other sources (catbox/others which I don’t know about) still doesn’t work right?

      Also, how many sticky post can each community have? Still learning about lemmy myself. Thanks in advance :D

      • @BurgerA
        41 year ago

        Yes they can be directly uploaded. There’s a 40MB filesize limit. There was a bug that made it so that uploading certain videos would make it erroneously time out. I’m not sure if that’s been fixed since the 0.18.0 release. I never tested it.

        That 40MB filesize limit “may” change down the line depending on if we get a lot more traffic. This is all being stored on my server box.

        Not sure if there’s a limit to pinned posts in a community. I don’t see why there wouldn’t be but you never know.

        • @BurgerA
          31 year ago

          Looked through the code. The 10s timeout is still present, so it really depends on how fast your connection is. I was able to manage to squeeze a 15MB video through. But anything more than 10s and then the backend will hit timeout errors. We’ll be keeping somewhat of an eye on this issue in the meantime: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/2460 .

          @Disabled@burggit.moe is working on deploying a server meant to solely store videos. To embed them you do ![](https://yourvideo.link/here)

  • @slimegrail
    21 year ago

    I like BA and play it on and off and don’t mind NSFW mixed with strats.

  • Sandworm-7's hatbox
    21 year ago

    Yes, it’s finally appeared!

    I agree with @kaniman that the r*ddit sub is oversaturated with art. But yeah, not much else to discuss usually. Feels like I kinda insulted the game unintentionally lol. I do like the (non-lewd) doujin works though. And memes too.

    I don’t mind the NSFW, but we have other NSFW communities for a reason, no? Cross-posting, maybe. Also a reminder that !lewd exists for the larger characters.