I like the focus on free expression and the loli/shota/cub policy! The admins seem pretty chill too!

  • @Nazrin
    1 year ago

    Sorry that someone crashed your thread.

    Burggit is the only instance that I have a feeling that I’m not swapping the repressive admin set from reddit for another repressive set from lemmy. I think the people of reddit are too used to being repressed. Being told what they can and can’t post. Your title needs to look like this, you need to have these tags in your post, you most post every source in an image. No photoshop. No AI. There’s certain body types you cannot post as determined by anyone who wants to use the report button. I see it on every instance where they preportally make a “safe space” by censoring and restricting the ever loving shit out of their community.

    Every other instance I’ve seen has started where reddit left off: repressed enough to be advertisement friendly. I feel they do this because it’s all they’ve known recently.

    In this instance, I see the seed of it not trying to be a no holds barreled 4chan knockoff like some instance are, but a site trying to be what reddit was - separate groups coming together to make a small community. Rules in place to carefully guide it from being taken down or becoming shit. Rules about behavior rather than content.

    • @BurgerA
      1 year ago

      Thank you very much for those kind words. This made my night despite previously feeling admittedly defeated after getting defederated from yet another big community.

      Which said big community was threatened with a defederation from other big instances if they don’t get rid of their r/the_donald knockoff sub that has only one person making milquetoast newsy posts.

      I only found out because I wanted to chime in to defend them from the Reddit hivemind that was being completely unreasonable towards the instance operator. I wish them lots of luck and good will since they want to maintain their tolerant stance towards communities they disagree with, what with the said reddit janny hivemind taking hold across this part of the hilariously fractured fediverse.

      Anyways, again, thank you. I needed this.

      • @mcuglys
        81 year ago

        I getcha. I was never a T_D guy, but the time when T_D was banned was a pretty clear line crossed in terms of Reddit admins deciding they would determine the site’s direction rather than the community. It was eminently obvious that the excuse they gave was BS as well.

    • DisaMA
      51 year ago

      Definitely the exact sort of thing we’re aiming for! Thanks for the kind words Nazrin, and thanks for trusting us to host Touhou NSFW, we love having you here and hope to continue to make it a place you and other users enjoy!

  • @recyclebin
    1 year ago

    Look, I liked it when there was /l/ in imageboards and /r/lolicon in reddit could pass off without fuzz. Nice images, funny commentaries, 3DPD, etc. It also coincided with the 2000s when internet, or at least the places I frequented, still kept this chill party vibe of high school or college aged young adults cracking jokes without nosy parents.

    We all know what happened gradually. Facebook became a thing, Linkedin became a thing, Serious Business™ was all over the place. As more people went online and also the amount of moralfaggots taking online banters at face value increased, “I’m against actual child abuse, but this is just a drawing” didn’t convince the growing crowd of Lawyers and Human Resources looking for reasons to fire you and make your life impossible.

    So I pretended to grow up. I had bills to pay. Put on a suit and played the ‘pivoting synergy’ bullshit game to keep my ‘professional’ profile squeaky clean. But we have our own limits. Some actually drink the kool aid but I wasn’t born for that. I need my alone time. I need my shitposting faggotry intakes.

    I searched for that place. The chans had changed a lot. Newfags didn’t know about Moot anymore. The reddit alternatives at the time like Voat and other “freedom loving” places were infested with either far right or far left, some even actual pedos. No thanks, I said.

    So this is how I came to be. Will this be the place? No idea. I’ll stick around and see. We all knew it was ‘the internets’. We all knew it was a joke. None of this nazi bullshit pretending to be freedom fighters. Just plain childish fun.

  • Elyusi, Kei
    131 year ago

    Personally, I’m a fan of its paranormal nature:

    • @MomoNeedsCorrection
      61 year ago

      If you open that thread, your brain will be forcibly deprived of a comment you were going to make somewhere else on the internet

    • f(loat || loathe)
      51 year ago

      An account that made a comment and got it deleted by a mod had a -1 comments count in their profile. I think this might be the case here.

  • @Rin
    91 year ago

    I just needed a new place to lurk and read stuff while procrastinating at work.

    I find that both admins look level-headed which is a big plus for this instance. Fostering a nice community starts from the top imo.

    I’m not a fan of lolis but I don’t think it should ever be banned either. I also agree with Burger’s comment that it “acts as a forcefield around us”. I think it’s one of those topics where people lose their mind entirely and never think twice about it.

    Disagreeing on certain topics while being respectful and knowing that it harms no one is not really popular nowadays.

  • @livixPmfOQRj
    81 year ago

    I like the maturity and levelheadedness here.

    I’ve never seen such consistent respect during disagreements before. Sure one or two occasional ones on reddit, or maybe even discord groups. But here it seems commonplace.

    It could be that we’re still small, but I hope the culture continues to be good.

    • DisaMA
      51 year ago

      This is definitely the type of community and discussions we want to continue to foster and will do our best to try and make sure it continues. :3

  • @BurgerA
    1 year ago

    Anyways, aside from virtually pantsing that absolute loser for shitting up a thread on our instance,

    I like this instance the most because it’s nice meeting new people on here and seeing how nice well mannered free expression takes place here without the typical unwarranted namecalling you’d expect from the likes of 4chan, Kiwifarms, Gab, etc. As well as the lack of poison that is the neverending culture war that gets peddled on the typical alt-tech platform.

  • @MomoNeedsCorrection
    61 year ago

    I like that it’s actually chill here, and not that “chill, until someone has a disagreement and we need to defederate this instant” that I’ve encountered elsewhere. As has been said, having lolis acts as a forcefield against a certain breed of obnoxious, censorious, dimwits who do nothing but moralize.

  • @shani66
    61 year ago

    I quite enjoy it here. So far the culture seems pretty fine and It also feels like it’s unlikely a random, inexplicable, and harsh shift in views (like the animemes incident from reddit) will see me banned or something. I do think there can be such a thing as being too lenient with what’s allowed (if your bar lets in nazis then your bar is the nazi bar and all that), but it doesn’t seem to be a big issue here. The biggest problems (being shut out of other content) don’t come from this instance either, it’s other instances having weird hangups that paint them in a really bad light going forward, and that can be gotten around with a back up anyway if i ever need to doom scroll on the toilet at 3am.

    It’s also got some cute and funny communities and just a old-school vibe to it that’s so much better than a Reddit knock off (but that might just be the fediverse). Like, I’m more likely to see a kaomoji then an emoji (ᵔ◡ᵔ)

    • @BurgerA
      1 year ago

      Dunno how I didn’t notice this post, but I replied so I can assure you the nazi bar thing wont happen. We find those types super insufferable and they’re usually a hairpin’s trigger away from being mean and shitty to others, which we’ve addressed that in our rules. There’s plenty of places to get your culture war fix, we don’t want this place to turn into yet another site that peddles that tensions inflaming garbage.

      We do allow humor that some say would be politically incorrect, but if it’s anything close to calling for violence against a group of people regardless of gender or race, or if they’re directing those jokes at someone for which they asked them to stop, and they continue, then they’re not welcome here.

      Not to mention that us allowing loli/shota/cub content acts as a forcefield around us keeping those types at bay.

      Hope you enjoy your stay here.

      • @shani66
        21 year ago

        I’m pretty sure that worry is a bit of social media poisoning, honestly. All of Reddit’s competition died because of that issue, but back in the days of forums things never got that bad. The explicit oli acceptance will probably also help to keep things manageable these days.

  • ceo of pregnant lolisB
    51 year ago

    hrm looks interesting

    have been tired of reddit for years and was just looking for an alternative that allows loli

  • @OrbitOatmeal
    21 year ago

    Because its 🅱️reed as in 🅱️reedom
