Everyday things would be different. You have to account for tails everywhere. Bandaids wouldn’t work with fur. Would shirts be worn, or would natural fur coats be all that is there? Food workers would have full body nets. Claw tips come out of a different area and would make some tasks that use fingertips difficult (typing)…

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    4 months ago

    I think Band-Aids would still be a thing; we would just have to shave the area before applying them.

    Not sure if clothing would be for more than just fashion. I suppose people could still have the same sensibilities about nudeness, even if most species have built in genital coverings.

    Make-up might not exist.

    Depending on how much variety was in hands, there may be an even larger variety of hand-tool styles.

  • @Notmyyiffaccount@yiffit.net
    44 months ago

    I would suspect that instead of your traditional bandaid with a sticky side instead a version where you tie it on would become more popular as you wouldn’t have to worry about shaving the area first. I think there would also be more markets that advertise to specific species. As for hygiene I would imagine that grooming products would be very popular as nobody wants to deal with a mouthful of fur or coughing up fur balls. I imagine that touch screens wouldn’t really be all that popular for the reasons that you mentioned and that buttons would be used as pressure sensitive screens could be damaged more easily by claws. I do believe that makeup would still exist, but it would likely be in the form of fur dyes or powder that can be easily washed out, especially since the majority of mammals dont sweat so it smearing would be a lesser concern.

    Species would be more geographically separated due to temperature tolerances throughout the year as they would be more likely to live in areas more suitable for them. On a similar aspect, I think they would wear less overall clothing due to fur making it easy to get too hot. Vehicles would likely have taller roofs to account for ears. If the size range on species is large enough I would also imagine that there would be doors within doors or multiple doors of different sizes to allow for smaller species and larger species to be accounted for without making too many modifications to accommodate them.

  • @Eagle0600@yiffit.net
    34 months ago

    The whole field of ergonomics would be a lot more interesting. The diversity of body shapes means you don’t just have to account for larger bands of possible dimensions, you may need to account for entirely different anatomy. These would follow through clothing, furniture, construction, accessibility laws, etc. There wouldn’t be just one new shape that’s different to ours, there’d be dozens to account for.

    Touching on just construction for a moment, there’s a concept in at least some countries of what can be advertised as livable space, the most clear example being minimum ceiling heights. With a broader array of body shapes, lawmakers have to make a decision between allowing residential buildings to be advertised with a limited category of occupancy (necessitating the creation of several classes of living space with different requirements) or requiring every residential space to be built to at least physically fit every potential resident, no matter who it’s advertised to. Commercial and industrial spaces obviously would all have to fall into that latter category anyway.

    • @Eagle0600@yiffit.net
      34 months ago

      Stairs provide a more difficult problem, because you can’t just size them to the largest possible resident, nor the smallest. You could create steps with multiple sizes side-by-side, but that requires more space; I suspect ramps would be far more common than they are in our world as a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Can you imagine a world where everyone expects a ramp up to the second floor of their home before they expect stairs?

  • @Burgerlurker
    34 months ago

    Public restrooms would have dedicated hairball disposal stalls with a new kind of toilet that is up around chest height.

    • @l_b_i@yiffit.netOP
      14 months ago

      That brings up a question, would you self groom with licking resulting in the hairballs, or would there be a grooming industry and products built up around self care that prevents them in the first place?

      • @Burgerlurker
        34 months ago

        Absolutely both lol. There would be a heavy artificial market for grooming products built upon manufactured social pressure, just like in real life. But also just like in real life there will be those hippie weirdos who insist on only natural self grooming without product.

        • @l_b_i@yiffit.netOP
          14 months ago

          Some social pressure, but if shedding is a thing, I’m sure there would be a tendency to want to take care of that without any external marketing pressure. It’s an interesting thought experiment to what sorts of extras would have manufactured pressure, overall hair/fur trimming, whisker trimming, maintaining poodle looks…