• Sphere
    59 months ago

    Signal. Also, the solution to the “no-one on signal” problem is simply to refuse to use insecure platforms like WhatsApp. If people want to talk to you then, they have to download signal. They might get annoyed with you, but sometimes a bit of coercion is necessary to get people to do what’s good for them.

  • @PublicLewdness
    39 months ago

    Neither really. Telegram is closed source on the servers and is known to cooperate with governments and law enforcement. Signal is the better option but I refuse to use an app that requires my phone number when alternatives like Matrix; XMPP; and Session exist. My phone number is tied to my name; address; and payment methods. It’s not a small ask of Signal in my opinion.

    • @ThePhoDit@discuss.tchncs.de
      19 months ago

      IMO Signal is about having private communications, not anonymity. Sure, apps like SimpleX Chat and Session are great, but they are useless without someone to chat with. Signal is, for the average user, the perfect balance of privacy and convenience. Your chances of getting people to switch to Signal are higher than to others because of its simplicity.

  • ᓚᘏᗢdes
    29 months ago

    I’m a regular Telegram user, but it is definitely not as good as Signal in terms of privacy

  • petrescatraian
    29 months ago

    @Albin9326 Out of those, I guess Signal. Telegram has however a larger userbase and more features afaik. However, I am on Telegram and I don’t think I will make the switch to Signal, rather I’ll go full time on XMPP with OMEMO and PGP. OMEMO is made after the Signal protocol, and PGP is so versatile. I wish I could use it for everything, sadly, none of my friends use it and I am having a hard time explaining how it works to others.

  • @deur@feddit.nl
    29 months ago

    Stop “trusting” your messaging platform and use matrix for fucks sake.

  • @progettarsi@feddit.it
    9 months ago

    me: a telegram premium user reading comments 👀 guys the fact is that signal is fucking empty, there’s nothing. lacking of a lot of features and one thing that is the worst (for me) is that signal isn’t social and (as I saw when i used it) there aren’t any public group or channels. I use Telegram for everything, as music player, as private chatting and as social app but sane and without an algorithm that tracks me, and knowing that there isn’t CIA behind me watching me enjoying memes is enough. I also saw someone posting an article about Telegram not having e2e encryption, the reason for that (as I known) is the sync from all devices being difficult to have with e2e and the contents of the messages are very heavy (looking at animated emojis, reactions, stickers ecc). Of course I’d prefer to have a more secure app like Signal that has e2e and has been suggested by EU itself, but if I have to think all the thing I’m loosing to just have 1 feature, that doesn’t that much to me (telegram has never given any info to policy as i know and a lot of illegal things happens on telegram proving that maybe their privacy is better than you think), I prefer to have a lot of more features. If you want to correct me I’ll enjoy reading more on the platform I like.