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A high quality effort shitpost reply to u/FantasticFoof’s meme.

I’ve written on this before, but I really like this fan-made game’s portrayal of Christianity. Its depiction of Christianity’s message is actually faithful and respectful, and takes a bit more work and understanding compared to just using Christian symbols because it’s “an exotic overseas religion”.


  1. Slide 1: Art from Touhou Wiki entry on “The Last Comer”, the fan-made game featuring Christianity as its theme.
  2. Slide 2: Two Soyjaks Pointing (2hu version) by @Shigezie0
  3. Slides 3-5 Improved Iesua Art from 【総てを赦した神の子】イシュア・ナザレヌス album by 明ノ宮 飛鳥
  4. Slide 3 clockwise from top right: Rose of Mary, Passion of Christ (2004), Isenheim Altarpiece and “Christ Carrying the Cross”
  5. Slide 4 Screenshots: Left set from gameplay in Final Stage, Right set from True Ending
  6. Slide 5: Byakuren and Rumia art by dairi