If you had the opportunity to have your dream meal, made exactly to your specifications, what would it be?

This meal would have no restrictions. Any allergies, dangers, health risks, budgetary limitations would all be nullified. There would be no restrictions and it’s 100% safe to eat. The only caveat is it has to actually be food.

It’s late over here, but really wanted to ask this question before I forgot. I will probably answer for myself in the morning, in the comments. Please note, I don’t eat IRL (digestive system doesn’t work, because of this my parents never taught me how.) So, my meal is bound to be weird and possibly absolutely insane from an eating person’s perspective, but that should make it more fun!

At the moment I’m thinking some sort of seafood platter with a bunch of rare/exotic creatures that I’ve always wanted to try.

  • Yama
    41 year ago

    mcdonalds plain cheeseburger

    • DisaOPMA
      41 year ago

      Truly a meal fit for a king.

      • Yama
        31 year ago

        taste good

  • @Marimfisher
    41 year ago

    I’ll be honest, I take food completely for granted and have quite the unrefined palate. I grew up as the family dumpster, so I’ll eventually eat most anything that most would consider edible, and would happily eat the same mediocre meal for months on end if it didn’t hurt me.

    For those reasons I’d probably aim more for the more danger-free benefit of the meal. I’d probably try out fugu, the highly toxic pufferfish, or raw octopus. I’m not a big seafood fan, but I’d be too curious to not go for it.

    • DisaOPMA
      31 year ago

      My wife is very similar when it comes to her food consumption, makes meals cheaper for us though, since she’s not picky and, for the most part, just makes the same thing with very slight variations for the nutritional value. (Except for when she gets inspiration to post in /c/creativecooking which she’s been doing recently.)

      I definitely think that’s something a lot would do, try super dangerous/risky foods without any threat of potential consequences otherwise inherent in them! Definitely a good use of your dream meal!

      • @Marimfisher
        21 year ago

        Yeah, going for any food that’s explicitly about tasting good would likely leave me disappointed in some way if it doesn’t live up to my expectations. I’d note it’s good, but food is so rarely a supreme memorable moment for me that the thrill seeking would be a better avenue.

  • @Somdudewillson
    41 year ago

    I think a reasonably optimal meal would be at least 10 “Fruits of Evolution” (from “The Fruit of Evolution”) to provide classic Isekai cheat powers, drenched in the Ambrosia of the Greek Gods to grant immortality.

    • DisaOPMA
      21 year ago

      I definitely wouldn’t mind Isekai cheat powers, especially if it involved a harem of dominant busty giantess woman. 🤤 🥛

  • @GalvyGalvyCwanbewwy
    31 year ago

    I think probably a bunch of takoyaki, because I really liked that before I developed a shellfish allergy

  • @BurgerA
    31 year ago

    Pasta made by the Mario bros.

  • DisaOPMA
    31 year ago

    I think mine would just be a huge seafood platter with things like assorted sushi, lobster, snails things like geoduck and a bunch of other more rare/exotic things, maybe jellyfish? I wonder how those would taste.