Sometimes I get in these phases where I’m just fixated on 1 thing and I can’t divert away from it. Lately it’s been a project i’m working on, but sometimes it’s a game, a show or some other thing. Are you fixated on anything at the moment?

  • @talozazz
    51 year ago

    New job, so figuring out all that stuff related to being in a new environment. :/

    • DisaOPMA
      31 year ago

      Dealing with new environments can be a huge pain! I feel that, hope it ends up working out for you! Sending good vibes your way!

  • @anarch3
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • DisaOPMA
      21 year ago

      My cousin loves that game, it definitely seems like the type of game you could easily get obsessed with.

  • @Nazrin
    31 year ago

    Genshin private server coding still. Starting to get through and record the bugs in chapter two.

    • DisaOPMA
      11 year ago

      I still think that’s super cool that you’re doing that! Glad to know it’s progressing well!

    • Nobu
      11 year ago

      I swear, if you ever make this happen i would love to host/play in a private genshin server. Holy fuck if u get this done :O

      • @Nazrin
        21 year ago

        It’s never going to be “done” just less and less buggy. If you are fine with a goat simulator type experience, it’s fine. There are perfect private servers out there using leaked server files, but they are still on 3.2

        • Nobu
          11 year ago

          What version are you working on atm?

          • @Nazrin
            11 year ago

            Currently 3.7.

            3.8’s communication protocol has a slight change in encryption method and is being difficult to decrypt.

  • Nobu
    31 year ago

    I am also one to fixate from time to time on a game or a show. However right now i am fixated on my homelab. trying to make the best out of it, but also my linux distro (i reinstalled just few days ago, and probably will reinstall it again).

    What i want from my linux distro (which i already have half done) is to be able to reinstall it, copy/paste command from my git repo and i am done. for software and fonts this is already the case, but i want to do more. like my theme on KDE, how i setup the taskbar, my dolphin layout, etc etc. so in future it can be copy/paste command + copy/paste .dot config files.

    • DisaOPMA
      21 year ago

      That sound interesting, what’s the homelab for? Fun science experiments?

      Setting up a linux distro can be a good way to occupy yourself, yeah! I hope you end up getting the result you want out of it!

      • Nobu
        21 year ago

        Oh no, I am sorry i should have been more specific. Homelab = Selfhosting. Those 2 terms get thrown around interchangeably? i think the word is.

        Basically my homelab/Selfhost projects consist of things i can selfhost easily. Calendar, contacts/address book, my own “cloud” server, etc etc. Why do i need to let google know my calendar, or contacts, or my files. same goes for browser history/bookmarks etc. i use firefox so i run my own firefox sync server.

        other things are “luxery”. like music collection, and what have you.

        All in all, if i can keep my data 100% inside my house/server, then i am happy.

  • @HuFua
    31 year ago

    I guess trying to be a programmer? I’m learning python and JS right now and I’m going to a school that focused on coding and I think this has become more of a career path rather than fixation.

    Another one is probably writing. I like writing lore to characters that I imagine. Giving them personalities, background, family and many more. This has been going on for 1-3 months now.

  • Waffle
    31 year ago

    Tears of the Kingdom. I very recently beat the game, now I have the strong desire to mod/hack it.

    Opening up a community for modding/hacking has also been in the back of my head.

  • @Mousepad
    31 year ago

    For me it has been exploring the fediverse: I only recently learned about it. I’ll probably start picking up some of the relevant programming knowledge in order to contribute soon!

    • rinkan 輪姦
      31 year ago

      My fediverse addiction is far worse than my reddit addiction ever was

      • @Mousepad
        31 year ago

        The pain of small but active communities. Inexorably drawn in! 😭

    • DisaOPMA
      21 year ago

      How does Wii U modding work? Is it easy? My wife modded our Wii and it seemed pretty easy, hardest part was finding an external HDD which worked with the console, but after that, we were golden.

      • @MomoNeedsCorrection
        11 year ago

        It’s pretty straight forward. Lot of moving an SD card around, but overall it’s not a complex thing to do. I’m just struggling because usb loader gx, and only usb loader gx, refuses to acknowledge my hard drive for Wii games, and only Wii games. I’m probably just going to go buy another drive, but that’s also annoying because Wii u needs either a y cord or an externally powered drive.

        If you already have a modded Wii, you can literally just ignore modding the Wii side of the Wii u, and it’s even easier, and except for the drive power issues, it really isn’t difficult whatsoever, though I’m not sure if the eshop closure effects the ability to use the usual piracy options since I haven’t touched it in a while

  • @MrBubbles96
    21 year ago

    Divinity Original Sin 2. Originally i was just gonna use it to kill time till Baldur’s Gate 3 released fully, but man, oh man…

    I’m kinda scared of how hard BG3 will sink it’s hooks into me when it’s out of early access if this is how DOS2 got me (it’s not my first playthrough, but it is the playthrough I’m taking seriously. Like, before I’d brute force my way through it. Now I’m actually playing correctly)

  • @Marimfisher
    21 year ago

    Nothing at the moment. Have a few goals in progress of various lengths, but none of them are absorbing a massive amount of attention.

  • Sandworm-7's hatbox
    21 year ago

    Building Gunpla for one. But concentrating on the fine details gives me a headache, so only a little at a time.

    Also, Oshi no Ko. Haven’t followed an ongoing manga since SnK, so I need to get acclimated to the pain of waiting for new chapters lol.

  • @GalvyGalvyCwanbewwy
    21 year ago

    Right now I’m focused on becoming a better writer. Specifically, I’m fixating on writing arguments between characters with dialogue that doesn’t sound comically silly. I’ve been noticing improvement as I really unpack arguments in media and write practice short stories, so it’s definitely worth my time!