I think if reincarnation was/is real it’d probably work regardless of time and creatures would be locked into their own categories. So like, humans could only reincarnate as other humans, for example.

When I say it’d work regardless of time, I mean like, if you died you could reincarnate as someone in the future or the past.

Kinda a silly discussion topic, but I thought it might be kinda interesting.

  • DisaOPMA
    21 year ago

    I could see that, it’s hard for me to imagine, but I think that’s partially the point.

    • @MomoNeedsCorrection
      21 year ago

      Imagine a 3d object passing through a 2d plane. From the perspective of the 2d plane, all that exists is a shape that undergoes transformations entirely at a whim with no discernable cause, even though from a 3d perspective, how the cross-section is determined is blatantly obvious.