Welcome to Burggit, You won’t find unreasonable content restrictions here! Your controversial legal porn is allowed here! Sit back, grab some lotion and a tissue, because I have a feeling things are about to get messy!

  • @NSFWUserman
    101 year ago

    Leaving these here for archival as my account got banned.

    below is the post which got me banned.

    Well actually it was a post I made replying to the admin’s post telling them they clearly don’t care about legality if they’re willing to host pornography in a country where pornography is illegal. But I didn’t get a chance to screencap that one.

    and here’s their “reason” for banning me:

    • Kusa Mower
      101 year ago

      I don’t understand the admin’s last sentence:

      We try to do everything legally, but we need to avoid risks whenever possible

      Isn’t it less risky if it’s legal? There’s no need to hide and fear repercussions from authorities? Them moving to Ukraine where any pornography is illegal is contradicting this statement lol. Perhaps they think that the Ukraine government has bigger things to tend to (well uh the war) and the provider would be willing to accept any money they can get right now?

    • EldritchBagel
      81 year ago

      I just saw that! I think this is the last push I needed to leave that place for good. I had my suspicions for a while, thought maybe there was something worth salvaging, but this is insane.

      • @NSFWUserman
        61 year ago

        Yup! I think i’ll like it a lot better here. Glad something good came out of the time I wasted on that place.