People have been having issues with uploading images/videos to Burggit sometimes, usually a lemmy issue that we have no control over. Well now we have feel free to upload your embeddable files there and embed them directly into Burggit! think of it as Imgur, but less retarded!

Check it out: Keep uploaded content within Burggit Rules

important note: uploaded data is NOT encrypted. For encrypted temporary file sharing, try Shota Send instead.

Important note #2: Make sure to use the direct link when embedding files! It will look something like If it does not have the /ss/ it’s not a direct link and will not embed properly on lemmy.

For ShareX Users (Click to expand)

ShareX Config Provided by:

Download link. Or just import the following from your clipboard into sharex:

  "Version": "13.1.0",
  "DestinationType": "ImageUploader, TextUploader, FileUploader",
  "RequestMethod": "PUT",
  "RequestURL": "",
  "Headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json",
    "Linx-Delete-Key": null,
    "Linx-Access-Key": null
  "Body": "Binary",
  "URL": "$json:direct_url$",
  "DeletionURL": "$json:filename$?linx-delete-key=$json:delete_key$"
  • Kyou
    71 year ago

    Nice domain btw, “shota nu” basically means “naked shota” in portuguese

    • DisaOPMA
      81 year ago

      That’s great! nu means now in Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian and I think some other languages too. I love that it means naked shota in portuguese xD

      • f(loat || loathe)
        51 year ago

        It has the same meaning in french hahah “un shota nu” : “a naked shota”, and in galician and catalan. It’s what I use to remember what the domain name is, just thinking “naked shota”.

        • DisaOPMA
          51 year ago

          I love this accidental double meaning I made it have. Truly, it was fate.