While i doubt it’ll get me banned anywhere, it does get me very weird looks if i bring it up in meat space, so I’ll bring it up here instead!

As a product of totally random processes selecting for absolutely nothing in particular humans are pretty cool, but from any kind of intelligent perspective we are a failure. Our teeth don’t fit, our backs don’t work right, we have organs with no other purpose than to kill us. God or evolution, which ever, has put in an absolutely minimum wage effort into our bodies and i think we should strive to do better, to be better. I understand being against current possibilities (I’m not getting magnets in my hands or the musk brain chip), but to be against transhumanism in general is completely insane.

  • @lodedDiaper
    31 year ago

    My concern is the brain it’s self is an imperfect organ and is linked to rest of our imperfect bodies. The brain is fundamentally linked to other organs, if an limb is removed the physical part of your brain the controls movement will change. Even the bacteria is also linked , to the point there is an significant different between the gut bacteria in neurotypicals and autistics. am fine with replacing a body part to keep your self alive, my brother was born cleft palate and would been have dead otherwise.

    But I’m weary of making unneeded changes to the body for it’s own sake. Cosmetic surgery has already shown when you try to toy with the body for no reason. The body will actively reject silicon implants and cause infections. Even common things like pricings are prone to infection.