While i doubt it’ll get me banned anywhere, it does get me very weird looks if i bring it up in meat space, so I’ll bring it up here instead!

As a product of totally random processes selecting for absolutely nothing in particular humans are pretty cool, but from any kind of intelligent perspective we are a failure. Our teeth don’t fit, our backs don’t work right, we have organs with no other purpose than to kill us. God or evolution, which ever, has put in an absolutely minimum wage effort into our bodies and i think we should strive to do better, to be better. I understand being against current possibilities (I’m not getting magnets in my hands or the musk brain chip), but to be against transhumanism in general is completely insane.

  • DisaA
    41 year ago

    I’m getting most of my info from things like Neuralink which Musk has said will be able to “Cure” things like autism and schizophrenia, pretty sure he’s mentioned it’s ability to write/override thoughts directly before too. But even if he hasn’t the only way to “Cure” these issues would be to override/cancel out their thoughts.

    • @lodedDiaper
      1 year ago

      That’s almost my worry how do we define “imperfections”. At a certain we begin to erase parts of our humanity. Even something seemly benign like curing deafness, would end up slowly killing off thousands of languages. Historical these things are tested on those deemed “retarded” first. Gay conversion “therapy” is widely agreed to be abusive, yet it’s fine to be used on autistics when it’s called “ABA”. The people spearheading this are Elon Musk, their concerned about “perfecting” society to fit their own interest.

    • @Somdudewillson
      11 year ago

      As much as I like some of the companies he’s invested in, Musk isn’t exactly a reliable source of accurate scientific information.