How much you want to bet they’d refuse, even if we gave the $500+?

  • DisaOPA
    1 year ago

    It seems to stay up there forever, so long as the donation is $500 or more. At the very least, the website doesn’t mention any time limit.

    I’d hate to take money for such a thing, though, even if we were going to do it. Since the likelihood of lemmydevs actually going through and putting us up there would be slim to none.

    • @Nazrin
      31 year ago

      I mean, check terms and conditions. If we are paying to put our name up there and they don’t, might be a breach of service. We payed to get up there, they would have to hold their end of the transaction up. Probably not worth it. Funny to talk about, though.

      • DisaOPA
        21 year ago

        That’s the thing, they have no terms and seemingly the only way to contact them is through Matrix or Github, no email option or anything. So how you’d even arrange something like that would be difficult, I imagine. I still might try it, just because it’d be a hilarious way to get burggit on the join-lemmy page after they had outright blacklisted our instance from their instances list.

        But $500 does seem like a lot for the joke…but I do really like funny jokes. I’m very torn.

        • @Nazrin
          41 year ago

          Well, if you are up for it, I don’t mind pitching in a lot. I got a lot of disposable income and I owe you guys big for hosting touhou_nsfw.

          Maybe anonymously email them and trick them to promise to put you in the list if you donate?

          • DisaOPA
            1 year ago

            The only way I’d have of receiving the money would be through Monero, so if you’re okay with that, I wouldn’t mind going through with it. I definitely do not have the money to do it on my own at the moment, so I guess it depends on how much you’d genuinely want to attempt and how much you were thinking of chipping in.

            • @BurgerMA
              1 year ago

              There’s this too if we didn’t want to put $500.00 into it.

              Though people would balk less at them for refusing to feature us over that amount vs $500.00. I definitely don’t have the moneys to put towards that. For referency that’s over half of what I paid for the server box (without taking into account the upgrades I did to it)!

          • DisaOPA
            11 year ago

            To update on this, it’s a total non-starter. Apparently these donations are monthly, not 1-time. When I went to contact the head lemmy dev, they said that it actually is for monthly amounts. So, it’d be $500 for 1 month of Burggit being up there. Which is definitely not worth it at all.

              • DisaOPA
                11 year ago

                Knowing that makes me surprised that they even have 1 sponsor willing to pay that much monthly.