Mine was probably Digimon World (PS1). I remember that my family shared a save, and boy howdy anytime my turn landed on the in-training digimon we’d be screwed, because I trained them so shoddily we’d get the sentient puke monster.

But my first game I played with any sort of competence was Herdy Gerdy (PS2), a cute puzzle game where you’d herd made-up animals with instruments and stuff. I 100%ed it as a kid, but it really does still hold up!

Tell me, Burggit people, what were your first games? 😺

  • keenhome
    21 year ago

    My brothers played lots of video games growing up and I have very faint memories of having an NES controller in my hand.

    The earliest game I actually recall playing is called Low G Man.

    I don’t think it was particularly good or anything.

    Fast forward a bit and boy did I spend a lot of time on some of the classic Blizzard titles on PC: Diablo, Warcraft 2, Starcraft. My friends had an N64 and I played the hell out of the original Super Smash Bros, too.