Reminder that centralization is bad and anyone who thinks this arrangement where a big power player like this can control discourse and whether or not an instance basically dies likely has an affliction to where boots taste good.

  • @shani66
    37 months ago

    Yeah lemmy has… Issues. People are probably still trickling in, but if it’s to those instances it won’t really improve.

      37 months ago

      sturgen’s law applies to instances and instance admins. I suspect there will be growing pains as the initial group of servers are set up and we find out which have shit admins though experience

      • @BurgerOPA
        27 months ago

        Thank you for the kind words. It’s very much appreciated. ablobhyperwubbel

        • @BurgerOPA
          27 months ago

          Meant this as a reply to your other comment complimenting my instance. Whoops… Must’ve been half asleep when I wrote this comment.